Rebound Soccer

If you want a fun social soccer game in the Perth Metroplitan area, Rebound Soccer is just for you. Played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, it is not to be missed. Using not only your feet and your head but also the walls, Rebound Soccer takes the game you know and love and adds an extra dimension, giving you the chance to seize the element of surprise!

Please note, if the competition is full, registrations will be closed for that league, however you may contact the Sports Manager to be placed on a standby list for any vacancies that arise.

Looking to join a team? Try here!

Competitions on offer

  • Monday Indoor
  • Monday Outdoor

General Information

Season Duration: 6 months (approx. 25 weeks)
Game Duration: 30 minute timeslots (2 x 15 minute halves)
Indoor Soccer Game Times: 6:00, 6:30, 7:05, 7:35, 8:10, 8:40, 9:15, 9:45, 10:20
Team Nomination Fee: $80.00
Weekly Game Fee: $72
Forfeit Fee (More than 48 hours' notice): Game fee
Forfeit Fee (Less than 48 hours' notice): Game fee + $15
Forfeit Fee (Less than 1 hours' notice/No-show): Game fee + $40
Withdrawal fee: $115
Uniform Requirements: Matching, numbered shirts (sport shorts also preferable) 

Looking for something for the kids too?    

2025 Winter Season Important Dates
Summer Semi Finals & Winter Grading 
17th - 23rd March
Summer Grand Finals & Winter Grading
24th - 30th March
2025 Winter Season Commences
31st March - 6th April

Winter Semi Finals & Summer Grading 
8th - 14th September
Winter Grand Finals & Summer Grading
15th - 21st September

Sports Competitions

Want to join our competitions but don’t have a team? Head to our Facebook group or join Just Play!

Personal Accident Insurance

The Loftus Recreation Centre is proud to be one of the first social sports leisure facilities to offer personal accident insurance to players in our senior competitions.

For a small fee, you can receive insurance cover for a season, in case of injury.

Read the product disclosure statement for more information.

TripAdvisor Panel

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